Apps refuse to launch after hard reboot


In my clear desktop I booted up this morning only to find that, all apps are missing including terminal and file manager… Legit can’t do anything right now because even Firefox won’t launch…what is the best remedy to this situation if I want to retain my current configs and data?

Thanks in Advance.

Aw man, that’s not fun.

If you can get to a terminal and it isn’t too broken, try running swupd repair. (Try switching to another virtual console too: CTRL + ALT + F4)

Otherwise you can follow this guide to repair from a live USB:

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Thank You so much for your kindest solutions.
I am doing the fix installation procedure right now and will give you feedback upon its success.

Ebrahim Cassim

Before you repair it would be worthwhile to make backup copies of /usr/local , /etc/ , /opt , /home , and /var once your drive is mounted. Those are directories owned by the User that Clear Linux doesn’t touch. You can read more about stateless on our website. If you have to reinstall for some reason then restoring those directories and installing the bundles you had installed should get you back to where you were.

On your mounted drive you can ls -1 /usr/share/clear/bundles to see a list of all the bundles you had installed. I’d make note of that too in case you need to reinstall.