Bash scripts to automate installation of NVIDIA proprietary driver

Exactly… I know all about that.

Has anyone succesfully installed 450.51 drivers? Installation seems to be going fine, but the system still won’t load the GUI

unable to install says it cant lod the nvidia module or something like that. logs are not where they are suppose to be either. Tried the manual install according to clearlinux it gets the same error. Tried about 15 trimes now, I wish the opsensource drivers could set 4k and I could use those atleast but I just get a black screen. nvm found the logs im just stupid:
WARNING: Unable to determine the default library path. The path /opt/nvidia/lib will be used, but this path was not detected in the ldconfig(8) cache, and no directory exists at this path, so it is likely that libraries installed there will not be found by the loader.
WARNING: Unable to determine the default X library path. The path /opt/nvidia/lib will be used, but this path was not detected in the ldconfig(8) cache, and no directory exists at this path, so it is likely that libraries installed there will not be found by the loader.
Can’t load library cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ERROR: Unable to load the ‘nvidia-drm’ kernel module.

Too bad I really wanted to try clearlinux now when it updated to gnome 3.36 its the fastest gnome distro I have tried.

Edit- finally managed to install it, I removed the dkms flag in script and it worked.


This error has long been reported. You can find it on GitHub.

I have nvidia GeForce 820m .I tried to run scripts and successful completed installation.but when I reboot I get a blank screen.i uninstalled it now but when I login with my credentials the screen again goes to the login screen.

did you run the uninstall script to uninstall?

Yes I did and the cleaning script too.when I login into my account it goes back to login screen again .any idea how to fix this?

have you installed custom gdm extensions?

No I didn’t install any thing.

I have no idea how this could happen.

I have also tried to run swupd repair .still I’m stuck at login.

as I said before, this is not a distro for new users.
you should at least be able to understand what these script are doing, then you can verify whether it indeed uninstalls successfully.

Yeah it did uninstall successfully.before uninstallation it didn’t get me to the login screen .so I uninstalled.

that’s why I said I cannot understand why the login window crashes

it stuck very likely because you have one NVIDIA GPU and one integrated GPU. and you should read carefully that this won’t work.

Ok.I need to fix this login loop.

Have you tried selecting a different desktop, such as Wayland, just to see if that would work? The most common causes of the login loop are errors caused by shell extensions, permissions issues, and errors loading custom fonts. Sometimes gpu errors but this particular type of problem is usually only caused by issues with embedded gpus, particulary amdgpu, at least in my experience.

I tried it again on a fresh installation .it gives me a white screen of death.(contact administrator)

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read my original post. this is documented because you have a integrated GPU.
As officially announced by NVIDIA, on the very page where you download the driver, you won’t have any luck if you cannot disable you integrated GPU.

In Other distros it works fine.

Can I some how use this on clear?