Clear-42100-live-desktop.iso - I can't login to "Clear Linux OS" user

I’ve downloaded ‘clear-42100-live-desktop.iso’ from Index of /releases/42100/clear/ and booted it up in Virtualbox after configuring a new VM.

I get a login page for user “Clear Linux OS” user with
“Not listed?” shown below. Nothing I do will allow me to login and use the installer. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

I don’t know why the VM doesn’t log in directly, but if you switch to TTY3, the welcome message provides the login and password for the default user (sorry, I don’t remember them).

I’ve just checked and the default user is clrlinux and there is no password you should be able to login is you give this username after the “Not listed?”

Thanks! Before reading your solution, I had modified the VM defaults because I thought that might fix it. An unusual thing happened when I booted it this morning. I got the “FATAL: Detected Missing Required CPU Feature: Carry-less
Multiplication extensions (pclmulqdq)” error and couldn’t get past it. I removed that VM and re-created it to get the defaults back. Then it got to the login page again. However, the behavior is the same. When I click on the default login, “Clear Linux OS” or “Not listed” and type the username “clrlinux” the screen disappears and then reappears as the original, “Clear Linux OS.” Oddly, with the same .iso, …42100-live…, I noticed that the first boot-up screen is different. It has 2 choices with a blue background. It previously had 3 choices with a black background. From some online research, I think this build (or more likely VirtualBox itself) is missing the CPUid feature: “PCLMUL.” I am not familiar with this, so I’ll skip adding clear os to my mix of Linux variants for now. Thanks again, you folks are awesome!