Cope with Udp RcvbufErrors

Dear Clear Linux Team,

I am receiving spiky UDP traffic on Clear Linux and sometimes get RcvbufErrors (see below two lines, first two – beginning of day stats, last two – end of day stats)

Udp: InDatagrams NoPorts InErrors OutDatagrams RcvbufErrors SndbufErrors InCsumErrors IgnoredMulti
Udp: 3388805        12       0       53209         0            0             0          3509
Udp: InDatagrams NoPorts InErrors OutDatagrams RcvbufErrors SndbufErrors InCsumErrors IgnoredMulti
Udp: 53281946       12    4765      535973       4765           0             0          6638

Please advise what tweaks could be done to increase Rcvbuf capacity, and, in general, cope with spiky UDP traffic?


Guys please shed some light here… Very tough topic, still need an advise.

Good question - this isn’t a Clear Linux specific topic so you may want to broaden your search parameters to exclude clearlinux.

From what I can see, receive buffer errors can be cause due to memory pressure. There are some options in procfs/sysfs that can alleviate this. It also could mean that the servicing user space application is having issues coping with the incoming data, but I’m not entirely sure about that.

udp(7) - Linux manual page explains some of the tunables.

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