Kubernetes Updates on ClearLinux

Kubernetes on ClearLinux is currently on 1.19.X version and we are preparing to upgrade Kubernetes and supporting components to 1.20.X versions within the next few releases. Once updated, we will leave a note on this thread with the version that will carry 1.20.X versions. If you have active Kubernetes clusters on ClearLinux, the cluster needs to be updated while moving to the newer version. We have detailed guides on how to upgrade Kubernetes clusters on ClearLinux.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

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Release 35230 and beyond would contain kubernetes 1.20.X. If you have existing clusters on 1.19 or before, please follow the documentation on upgrading the clusters prior to moving past ClearLinux release 35230

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Release 35840 and beyond will carry Kubernetes 1.21.x. Please follow the documentation on steps to upgrade your existing clusters from past versions.