missing missing while running yuzu emulator. i have installed runtime-libs-boost but still it says the file is can i get that ?

This file is installed. Where do you get the emulator?

the emu requires a older version 1.71.0 .it doesnt run with 1.73.0

Did you follow their guide to build it? Have you see any error?

Yes I followed the gave me an error libboost_context 1.71.0 not found.

You can compile yuzu from the scratch:

Install Prerequisite

sudo swupd bundle-add qt-basic-dev devpkg-SDL2 
sudo pip3 install conan

Install Pyenv (yuzu require python2 for compilation)

sudo swupd bundle-add devpkg-ncurses sqlite devpkg-openssl tcl-basic devpkg-readline devpkg-bzip2 devpkg-sqlite-autoconf devpkg-libffi devpkg-xz
 curl -L | bash
 ~/.pyenv/bin/pyenv install 2.7.18

Clone yuzu

cd ~/Downloads
git clone --recursive
cd yuzu && mkdir build && cd build

Fix things to make it compiling

sed -i 's/Boost 1.71 COMPONENTS context headers REQUIRED/Boost 1.73.0 COMPONENTS context REQUIRED/' ../src/common/CMakeLists.txt
sed -i '/fvisibility=hidden/a UNICORN_QEMU_FLAGS += --python=/home/$(USERNAME)/.pyenv/versions/2.7.18/bin/python' ../externals/unicorn/Makefile 

Finally make

cmake .. -GNinja

Now you can find yuzu in bin subfolder. It seems something else needed to do, but i have no idea what , just follow their guide.


Thanks will try just need to dump keys from switch to run yuzu.i didn’t understand what you are trying to do when you say fixing compilation.also python 2 bundle is available on clearlinux .should I need to do the second step if I install that bundle?

Oh wow, i missed that python2 package exist lol. Thanks for pointing that!

Okay just tested , updated guide here:

Install Prerequisite

sudo swupd bundle-add qt-basic-dev devpkg-SDL2 deprecated-python2
sudo pip3 install conan

Clone yuzu

cd ~/Downloads
git clone --recursive
cd yuzu-mainline && mkdir build && cd build

Fix things to make it compiling (replacing boost 1.71 in requirements with 1.73)

sed -i 's/Boost 1.71 COMPONENTS context headers REQUIRED/Boost 1.73.0 COMPONENTS context REQUIRED/' ../src/common/CMakeLists.txt

Finally make

cmake .. -GNinja
strip bin/*
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This is the yuzu master repo you are building not the mainline.thanks anyways

Mainline compilation working as well .

  • Added strip command =)

Yes it is.thank you .

whats a strip command?

tldr: reduce compiled file size by removing debug information from the file

Gives me File format error behen I run btw