Thanks for reply puneetse.
My question here now is to query again, the question asked in initial post:
Have the Clear Linux developers added specific swupd
to the default php configuration files?
It has been identified in this thread that php is programmed to only read the builtin file
and we discovered earlier that over-riding the conf files when located outside default locations such as /etc
were ignored.
Clear Linux Developers performed some fixes and updated php to resolve these issues.
But, did they at the same time add specific php-fpm swupd
so these default php builtin files
are forever
from swupd
in the case the user prefer to edit these built in files?? User may not like idea of maintaining copied conf files in locations outside default as it is probably easier to maintain built in filesā¦Probably this is ok on other distros but here swupd presents a particular danger.
I paste the specific php-fpm note from man stateless
below so search engines pick it up and this information be exposed and visible to future users, it is great for building the Clear Linux knowledge base I feel.
Php's default configuration file doesn't allow us to provide an alternative as it is programmed to only read the builtin file. If you wish to have php-fpm use a different configuration, you must
pass it a startup option to tell it where it is. This can be done by systemctl edit --full php-fpm.service. That command copies the default php-fpm service unit to /etc/systemd/system/ and allows
the user to override any option. It spawns an editor with the copy.
Then, the user should change the line:
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/php-fpm --nodaemonize
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/php-fpm --nodaemonize --fpm-config /etc/php-fpm.conf
The template php-fpm.conf can be found at /usr/share/defaults/php/php-fpm.conf. One should copy this to a place in /etc/:
cp /usr/share/defaults/php/php-fpm.conf /etc/php-fpm.conf
Then, the user should edit /etc/php-fpm.conf and assure that configuration options are all properly set as needed.
Care must be taken using the default pool configuration. If needed, the user should also create /etc/php-fpm.d/ and include pool configuration files from either /usr/share/defaults/php/php-fpm.d/
or copy them and modify them as needed as well, as well as adjust the include configuration option in php-fpm.conf to point to a new location for pool configuration files.