Anaconda teams up with Intel to improve ML speed

To deliver the best possible user experience for data science practitioners, packages and libraries optimized for Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library, including NumPy and SciPy, are now easily accessible in Anaconda’s curated package repository. Built on top of these libraries is the machine learning module Scikit-learn, one of the most popular libraries with data scientists. Intel Extension for Scikit-learn, which uses Intel oneAPI Data Analytics Library and its convenient Python API daal4py, makes machine learning algorithms in Python an average of 27 times faster in training and 36 times faster during inference and optimizes scikit-learn’s application performance.

Does any existing bundle already include Anaconda / Miniconda ?


There is a conda bundle.

 conda                          	- Cross-platform, language-agnostic binary package manager
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This is exciting and sounds like something I can benefit from. Although, I am still going through the literature to better understand everything.

Meanwhile, however, could it be or possible that Clear Linux includes in the OS bundles these optimisations (libraries i.e. Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library)?