Did you know there are container images for popular applications using Clear Linux OS readily available on DockerHub?
Here are some you can try out:
- clearlinux/tensorflow
- clearlinux/nginx
- clearlinux/mariadb
- clearlinux/postgres
- clearlinux/php
- clearlinux/rabbitmq
- clearlinux/python
- clearlinux/perl
- clearlinux/golang
- clearlinux/node
- clearlinux/wordpress
Why use a clearlinux based image?
Clear Linux* OS based container images have the benefits of Clear Linux OS optimizations plus:
- A multi-staged build approach to keep a reduced container image size.
- The same container syntax as the official images to make getting started easy.
Let us know
The team working on publishing these images is eager for your feedback. How do you use containers today? What do you look for in a good image? Do you use them straight from DockerHub or build and modify?
What is most important to you in a container image?
- Performance
- Security
- Configuration flexibility
- Releases from a verified publisher
- Other (please tell us in a reply)
What programming language/runtime is used by your Docker workload(s)?
- Python
- Node.js
- Go
- Java
- Other (please tell us in a reply)
What system(s) do you use to host containers today?
- Laptop
- Desktop (less than 8 cores)
- Server (more than 8 cores)
- Cloud instance
- Other (please tell us in a reply)
How do you use containers today?
- Short-term development and tinkering
- Single-container application
- Multi-container application
- Production environment with micro services
- Other (please tell us in a reply)