FreeRDP or other remote desktop solution

Has that (WayVNC) been ported to CL? :thinking:

Not (yet).

In the meantime you could try Rustdesk

Build it with rust-basic

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve looked at it (Rustdesk), and building it looks pretty involved: it’s not at all clear to me what package I should be downloading (the .rpm by any chance? Which one? Fedora or Suse?), nor does it emerge very clearly what are the building commands etc. I am also seeing conflicting info about Wayland compatibility. All in all, I don’t see it happening in reasonable time … unless you’d care to assist me in this enterprise, that is.

It can be run as a docker container :


docker pull rustdesk/rustdesk-server

Thanks. Looks like I need to install Docker on my CL: would you mind pointing out the bundle that does that please? (And, more importantly, does it actually work? And I say that because, as you probably already know, I have been quite surprised to come across many officially-released and up-to-date bundles that do not actually work! Now, why would they go to the trouble of releasing and especially maintaining bundles that do not work, I wonder?)

Try : containers-basic | Clear Linux* Project

So I finally got around to installing Docker. I downloaded the pre-built rustdesk-server image you recommended, created a container sudo docker create --name rustdesk-server <ImageID>, and then ran sudo docker start rustdesk-server. Now how can I tell if the server actually started?

Also, do you know for a fact that rustdesk-server supports Wayland? As far as I can tell form doing some reading on their website, it doesn’t look like it does.

docker service inspect --pretty <SERVICE-ID>

There’s some answers and suggestions here.

That was the first thing I did when gnome-remote-desktop came out on CL a while ago. It does not work for me. Does it work for you? Did you actually try it? If yes, I wonder what I am doing wrong … Maybe missing some dependencies?

How long ago did you try this?

Anyway, I haven’t tried that in a while, so I will give it another shot later today: maybe some of the newer updates fixed it.

What client were you using? I use Remmina. Are you on Wayland or Xorg?

Just in case you guys were still agonizing over this :slightly_smiling_face: , note that gnome-remote-desktop works a treat in the newest CL releases. Not sure when exactly this started happening, but I tried it out on a whim this morning (#39750), and was pleasantly surprised to notice that remote desktop in CL under Wayland is no longer a missing feature. Kudos to CL devs., and long live Clear Linux! :sparkling_heart:

Rustdesk also works fine with minor hiccups.