Integrating NVIDIA Proprietary Graphics Driver into Clear Linux ISO

I am happy to help. One of the benefits is I learn as I help!! The other specific benefit is that I was curious about Davinci Resolve and the hype. I was wondering how such a cool piece of software is free. I use iMovie to edit videos and Davinci Resolve appears to have a steep learning curve!!

You appear to be into graphics and video. My interest is in the developments in generative AI and like to play with amazing github projects like automatic1111 and llamacpp! To me, using Linux is analogous to assembling Lego; though it presents a steep learning curve, especially when determining which components to utilize and how to integrate them.


Yeah, you need to have a bit of free time to learn Linux and new software, actually, I’m using the Adobe suite and I’m even doing some 3D animations, but I plan on replacing the Adobe software with Resolve and start using Blender as well.
I even did some coding in the past with the Eclipse IDE and it worked perfectly fine, I’m not actively doing it though and it was pretty basic stuff. But I’m seeing that Clear Linux is reaching the point in where it could replace Windows as a daily driver (still I would have a dual boot with it since I expect I would need to run some apps that Linux will not be capable or running, but those will be a minority I guess)
But, while it is time consuming at first and takes effort, it will be worth it in the long run!


Yes, for the most part. It has been a while since I tested this scenario. There were tickets created and resolved around DKMS. Thanks to the CL team for reaching 100%. Updating two kernels works fine from what I recall.

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