Latency testing comparing native and real-time kernels


I came to Clear Linux mainly to try out the real-time kernel. Little did I know the troubles that awaited (malfunctioning GNOME mutter 3.38.3, lagging keyboard input, desktop freezing and what not). Oh my! That’s all settled soon with the next build.

Next on my journey was trying the real-time kernel. Once up and running, I captured results from an AMD 3970X box. Two kernel parameters were applied in part two for minimum preemption granularity and reducing task migrations off the CPU, further reducing overall latency.

sudo echo 10000000 >/proc/sys/kernel/sched_min_granularity_ns
sudo echo  5000000 >/proc/sys/kernel/sched_migration_cost_ns

Clear Linux (34370) latency testing on AMD 3970X - Part One

Clear Linux (34370) latency testing on AMD 3970X - Part Two

Clear Linux (34370) latency testing on AMD 3970X - Part Three

In a nutshell, both kernels are nice. One is fast, the other extra fluid. I like them both and cannot decide on which to use. I tend to like the real-time kernel somehow.