Niceness level, sshd on system reboot and grubby --args

Hello Team,

Several questions from a new user:

  1. How to set up user niceness permanently?
    usually they set it in /etc/security/limits.conf
    user1 - priority -20
    user2 - priority -20

  2. sshd service upon restart is not automatically started. How to make “systemctl start sshd” permamently executed after system boot? (of course I executed “systemctl enable sshd”)

  3. I want to inject “mitigations=off isolcpus=2-4,7-19” into kernel cmd line params conveniently.
    Do you have something like “grubby --args=“mitigations=off isolcpus=2-4,7-19” …” for this?


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  1. nice is a part of coreutils. I cannot find anything in the spec file that changed the default path. So I will give it a try.
  2. man stateless has a section for sshd, right below the section for systemd, which says to enable services to start at boot time, use systemctl enable <unit>. And I don’t understand why it doesn’t start even after you executed systemctl enabled sshd.
    Before you manually start it, does systemctl status sshd mentioned any error?
  3. Clear Linux uses systemd-boot instead of GRUB. You can add permanent boot parameters to /etc/kernel/cmdline.d/FOO.conf. Check this:
  1. Do not need to change the default path. I am saying that other Linux distributives contain a file: /etc/security/limits.conf. In this file on other Linux distributives I can set up default niceness for different users.
    Question is: how to set up default nive value = “-20” for clear-linux users?

  2. ball is on my side, will look further

  3. will give it a try, thank you!

please advise how to disable L1tf mitigation (PTE Inversion)? See the screenshot attached. “mitigations=off” did NOT turn it off.

Check “Mitigation control on the kernel command line” of this

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I mean Clear Linux doesn’t seem to change the default sysconfig path of coreutils, I will try modifying /etc/security/limits.conf .

Also stated in ‘man stateless’, Clear Linux does not have any default configurations in /etc, with a few exceptions, so it’s normal that file is not already there. But it doesn’t mean you cannot create one.

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We don’t do this by default. Instead, we enable sshd.socket. This means that sshd.service is not started until someone actually connects to the system.

If you have installed the openssh-server bundle, then sshd.socket will be enabled by default. There is nothing left to do - SSH will just work.

To verify, inspect systemctl status sshd.socket instead.

Just create the file and it will be used. Note: I haven’t actually tested this, but, if it doesn’t work it’s a bug and I’ll gladly fix that - this should work.

Yes, Bundle “openssh-server” is already installed. After restart it listens on default port (22). In my /etc/ssh/sshd_config I have set up another port.
To fix this I created dropin file at /etc/systemd/system/sshd.socket.d/10-sshd-listen-ports.conf and put there

# /etc/systemd/system/sshd.socket.d/10-sshd-listen-ports.conf

Then I executed

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl restart sshd.socket

And this helped. Now systemctl status sshd.socket shows sshd.socket listening on a proper/custom port. No more issues here.


This one did not work. I created /etc/security/limits.conf, added there two lines as above with proper user names, rebooted.


Please help.

#3 kernel parameters added! supercool one command. Thank you!

The “l1tf=off” parameter does not work as expected Please find a screenshot with correct kernel line param: l1tf=off highlighted, but mitigation is still “on”.

Sorry I forgot to mention that you need to run

    clr-boot-manager update

to update boot entries. I wish this solves your problem.

Kernel parameters are added with no issues. Just the “l1tf=off” parameter does not work as expected. Please see the screenshot above.

have you run ‘clr-boot-manager udpate’ ?

Yes, of-course yes. The screenshot I presented is after I rebooted. To be exactly precise I executed:

    sudo mkdir -p /etc/kernel/cmdline.d && \
    echo "mitigations=off l1tf=off" | sudo tee -a /etc/kernel/cmdline.d/SOMEFILE.conf && \
    sudo clr-boot-manager update
    sudo reboot