OpenStack on Clear Linux OS Server version, How?

It is possible to install/deploy OpenStack on Clear Linux OS Server version. If “YES” can someone please point me any documentation or tutorial showing how to do that.

Thank You.

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I too would like any resources for this question.

Hi @FaSantos, @kylebaker,
So, in theory, this is possible, however it’s not a configuration we’re actively developing or documenting. There has been some internal engineering work to explore the feasibility, and it seems like with a fair bit of configuration changes it was possible to run Openstack via either Devstack or Kolla. This work was done last year, and there have been many changes since, including Openstack upgrading to Python 3, which now aligns with what we have in Clear Linux. So any information we had is likely out dated, and any documentation would need to be generated from scratch.
If you want to explore for yourself, there is a bundle containing many of the Openstack packages and dependencies that you can install with

$ sudo swupd bundle-add openstack-common

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