Unable to run update command

When i am running (swupd update) command I am getting the below error.
Error: Failed to connect to update server: Index of /update/
Possible solutions for this problem are:
** Fix the system clock**
** Run ‘swupd info’ to check if the urls are correct**
** Check if the server SSL certificate is trusted by your system (‘clrtrust generate’ may help)**
Updater failed to initialize, exiting now.

Please help me to fix this issue.

Do you have internet connection?
Are you behind a proxi?

I have internet.
But not sure how to set proxy on Clear Linux.
It looks like an proxy issue.
I have given the below export command in bashrc file.
export http_proxy=“url:port”
export https_proxy=“url:port”

Is the same as others distros.


export https_proxy=http://your-proxy:your-port

Then run update command

Still the same error.

Any update @miguelinux ?

Do you have an IP address?

you can see it with

$ ip a

it is weird as if you already set the https_proxy environment variable swupd should use it.

Make sure you have internet connection
Disable proxy connection
add sudo before update command
check you network cable properly inserted
also check linux command that help you !!