AWS IoT Greengrass failed to find Myriad

I try to configure AWS IoT greengrass on my myriad devices but it cannot found it even though I already attach the devices path directory (/dev/bus/usb/003). Can anyone help me with this? Thank you

Hi Nadiah, Can I get more info? I’ve also run into issues with Greengrass on an edge device. Do you have the following bundles installed?

  • aws-greengrass-iot
  • cloud-api

and can you let me know the command you used that fails? I can’t tell from the screen shot.

Thank you for your quick response.

I’m following this link to configure Lambda.

But in this example, there is no mention about target device, MYRIAD. I already add both two bundles, aws-greengrass-iot and cloud-api. Additionally, if my target device is CPU, it works fine for me.

Here I attach the lamba resource configuration. I cannot attach the lambda function log file here. If you need it let me know I will send an email

Thanks for the detail – the tutorial you’re following is a bit outdated and didn’t include Myriad support. Can you take a look at this github project: which may help?

Unfortunately in the accompanying Ubuntu instructions for that repo there’s a statement that “Movidius hasn’t been validated with Greengrass yet. This section will be updated in future releases.”

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