Clear Fraction, the third-party repository for Clear Linux

Mpv Youtube audio workaround.


:new: Project news:

  • NVidia stack has been updated
  • Kvantum is now available - Linux SVG-based theme engine for Qt and KDE.
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:new: Project news:

  • Numerous updates, including x264/x265 media codecs
  • HDR10 support enabled in x265
  • yt-dlp bundle now provides the nightly build

:new: Project news:

  • Two new bundles are available: devpkg-codecs-cuda and devpkg-codecs, now it is possible to build software using the CF ffmpeg.
  • GCC 13 mass rebuild and small fixes.

The AVX2 poll - note for users of older CPUs

:new: Project news:

The first AVX2 release is available, check :arrow_up: your CPU specs.

UPD: the repository for old CPUs without AVX2 is up.

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The codecs package works fine on Firefox (play vp9 and avc1 with GPU), but MPV even though can play those video, it plays with CPU decoding(?) as there is no “Video” activity on intel_gpu_top same as other browser like Palemoon.
What I’ve done is I add all library path to /etc/


What else I need to do? Adding LD_PATH_LIBARY before running the command (palemoon and mpv) has no effect

Updated the README specifically for cases like yours.

I add all library path to /etc/

You don’t need to touch it, LD_LIBRARY_PATH does the same task.

other browser like Palemoon

Old/exotic browsers may not work with modern ffmpeg. Tested on Chrome/Brave/Firefox.

I don’t use mpv from clear repository. It’s on /opt/3rd-party/bin/mpv
My GPU is Intel HD Graphics 500
Edit: using --hwdec=auto-copy seems fix the problem with mpv

Do I need to remove not ffmpeg bundle?

There’s no such bundle. You can improve mpv config for better performance with options like vo=gpu-next, gpu-context=waylandvk, save-position-on-quit etc.

The Big Update: docker images, new apps and many fixes - the complete changelog is here.


The strange Clear boot issue with CF on GNOME session is now fixed.

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VSCodium have titlebar missing
and brave doesn’t seem to be the latest one

edit: fixed codium by using custom title bar thingy
and brave shifted to flatpak

also thank you for maintaining this :+1:

there’s some mess with startupwmclass tho…
the pinned icon launches another icon

I have a question, but what is the difference of installing VSCodium (for example) from the official site compared to Clear Fraction? I said VSCodium, but could be any software really.

Performance tuning where possible. VSCodium and Brave have hardware acceleration enabled & Wayland mode. Might be worth creating separate Wayland/X launchers for all Chrome-based software in the future.

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:new: :tada: New release changelog - many improvements.

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