'Close to upstream' and 'Intel Optimized' Clear Linux distro does not give the option to install proprietary NVIDIA driver like Arch or Ubuntu!

I see. I hope proprietary NVIDIA driver would be and exception :anguished: Driver comes for free anyway, isn’t it? :laughing:

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NEW user of the month

If there’s only a few new signups (or just one)… you guess. :wink:


Yes! @Businux how can we resuscitate this community? I suggest we get the PC gamers using windows to come over here. Majority of them love Intel processors. Also, if we can get the dev team to be kind to non-cloud, non-datacentre users, like us!


First check out the competition :

Making CL the fastest option for ARC will get you noticed.

Whether it’s transcoding video, a game streaming server in a datacenter, or gaming at home.

Do the ARC and CL team communicate together?

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@Businux , thanks for the link. I was clueless. I saw one guy in YouTube promoting Ubuntu for gaming. He said that Ubuntu advertised for a manager for the ‘Ubuntu gaming dev team’ (I can’t remember the exact title).

maybe you can make video like that but with Clear Linux :sweat_smile:


Why didn’t I think of that! I am the most camera shy person in the world @djunaaja .

That’s not really necessary, or maybe Live2D and alternative will help :smiley:

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@djunaaja I am actually no hardcore gamer. More interested in running Pytorch and ‘ML stuff’. The point I tried to make earlier was that some of the hardcore pc gamers may want to tinker around with Linux, especially the overclocking obsessed bunch. I would like to think that the ones with intel processors out of those should get CL up and running rather than Ubuntu or Arch.

yea, that will be a good combination. OC+Optimization from CL.

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