Install brave browser

Brave browser installation

  1. Open a terminal

  2. Run the following command to obtain root privileges

    sudo -s

    and type your admin password.

  3. Run the following commands, one by one:

    swupd bundle-add package-utils
    dnf config-manager --add-repo
    rpm --import
    dnf download brave-keyring brave-browser
    rpm2cpio brave-keyring*.rpm | ( cd /; cpio -idv)
    rpm2cpio brave-browser*.rpm | ( cd /; cpio -idv)
  4. Now you can delete the .rpm packages and, if you don’t need it, the package-utils bundle. To do this run the following commands, one by one:

    rm -f brave-*.rpm
    swupd bundle-remove package-utils
  5. Now we can fix the missing menu icon (thanks to @mattyjones):

    sed -i 's/Icon=brave-browser/Icon=brave/g' /usr/share/applications/brave-browser.desktop 
  6. And the following command will fix the font loading (thanks to @TomL):

    f=/etc/environment; s='export FONTCONFIG_PATH=/usr/share/defaults/fonts'; touch $f; if ! grep -q "$s" $f; then echo $s >> $f; fi
  7. Reboot your system.

Done! :smile:

Uninstalling Brave browser

  1. Open a terminal

  2. Run the following command to obtain root privileges

    sudo -s

    and type your admin password.

  3. Run the following commands, one by one:

    f=brave*; rm -f /etc/cron.daily/$f /usr/bin/$f /usr/share/appdata/$f /usr/share/applications/$f /usr/share/gnome-control-center/default-apps/$f /usr/share/man/man1/$f /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/*brave
    rm -rf /opt/


Google Chrome installation

  1. Open a terminal

  2. Run the following command to obtain root privileges

    sudo -s

    and type your admin password.

  3. Run the following commands, one by one:

    swupd bundle-add package-utils
    curl -LO
    rpm2cpio google-chrome*.rpm | ( cd /; cpio -idv)
  4. Now you can delete the .rpm package and, if you don’t need it, the package-utils bundle. To do this run the following commands, one by one:

    rm -f google-chrome*.rpm
    swupd bundle-remove package-utils
  5. And the following command will fix the font loading (thanks to @TomL):

    f=/etc/environment; s='export FONTCONFIG_PATH=/usr/share/defaults/fonts'; touch $f; if ! grep -q "$s" $f; then echo $s >> $f; fi
  6. Reboot your system.

Done! :smile:

Uninstalling Google Chrome

  1. Open a terminal

  2. Run the following command to obtain root privileges

    sudo -s

    and type your admin password.

  3. Run the following commands, one by one:

    f=google-chrome*; rm -f /etc/cron.daily/$f /usr/bin/$f /usr/share/appdata/$f /usr/share/applications/$f /usr/share/gnome-control-center/default-apps/$f /usr/share/man/man1/$f
    rm -rf /opt/google
