In the future, I thought I would only use Flatpack and AppImage files. Flatpack files are easy to install, but AppImage files? Where do you place them most logically in relation to the operating system design? There will only be one user on the computer, but it’s not a decisive thing, I guess?
Your home folder is usually the least troublesome: no need to sudo
anything, just plump it in a place where you know you’ll find it later.
Hi, can you tell me how to run an appimage file on Clear Linux? I already made it executable with “chmod a+x” but I get ther following message:
/tmp/.mount_FreeCAZuQeKx/usr/bin/freecad: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: xcb_dri3_id”
I guess there is something missing.
Thanks in advance.
Google is your friend
Ok I will check it, thank you very much doct0rHu
If it was me you asked then I use the following thread’s last 2 posts to start AppImage. GUI packages X11 missing? - #4 by StefanH
Or Add Linux Applications to Launcher by Creating .desktop File - Technastic
This is to create an “executable” icon to launch AppImage from under the launcher.
To make AppImage executable I usually just right-click the file and select properties, rights and click in the box at the bottom “allow running the file as a program” (translated from my native language).
The short answer is that the appimages can easily bundle incompatibilities with current desktop libraries. This is a major issue with appimage (and what makes it non-universal) especially when built on an old distribution. But it needs to be as compiling against glibc
usually means you can run it only on newer versions, but not older.
It can be loaded via:
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ ./FreeCAD_0.18-16146-Linux-Conda_Py3Qt5_glibc2.12-x86_64.AppImage