tl;dr: Cant find “wireshark” and "dumpcap in the filesystem so I can run with sudo.
So, sorry if I am coming at this sideways.
At prompting of others installed Clear Linux, and testing out. I’m not a deep linux/unix user, but been around awhile, know my way generally. I know that amoung other things, this distro has a division from others to keep the filesystem “cleaner”. (Bad expalnation, I know).
SO, as a first test, I used the built in software package to install wireshark. Shows up in the installed apps panel, and I can run through the GUI.
But where was installed in the file system? I need to run under sudo (for now), due to rights over the ethernet port. BUt I can t find in the file system.
When I run ps -aux I see “wireshark” (no path). I also see /app/bin/dumpcap. However, tryling to ls /app, or /app/bin comes up empty, so is “/app” some kind of virtual path?
The first time I went to install wireshark from the Software panel, there were 2 wireshark listings. one with the “blue fin Logo”, and another with a multi colored icon.
Which one should have I used? I’m assuming apps that appear in the software reporistory by default are “blessed”. SO why were there two, and how should I know in the furute which I should have avoided?
(right now, there is nothing in the panels at all ---- so Im gonna post about that seperately).
Ohhh… so I just found the browser based software store. And sure enough, there are both bundles as you described, and I saw in the appp-based listing.
So, again, if we shouldn’t use it, why is there a “flatpak” there that I shouldn’t use? Not trying to be difficult, genuinely confused. Is that gernerally true, or just a special case for wireshark?
Flatpak is a separate entity that provides its own collection of packages (Flathub). We provide access to that catalog as a convenience, and a supplement to what we directly provide via bundles, but we don’t control what’s available there. It turns out that there is a Flatpak for Wireshark.
I recommend using Flatpaks as a secondary to our native bundles, that is, only when our bundles don’t provide what you actually need.