Best way to install rpms

Actually, TBH on new systems I use MattiaVerticchio’s example for chrome when I’m in a hurry and in the wild with no other tools onhand (and can’t remember the download url). It comes up first in a google search and when I’m in a hurry I need chrome fast, because I use chrome to speed up other workflows. I may make a few changes later, but that is a good quick way to just go and quickly get it. The only immediate change I make is to add --prefix=/opt to put it in a little better location. And the line

sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/ <<'EOF'
export FONTCONFIG_PATH=/usr/share/defaults/fonts

Many of my zsh scripts use google with chrome to grab documents and resources. Anyway that is actually already a good example of using native curl without bothering to define a repo for dnf.