Bundle Website Issue

Bundle search/info pages dont load resources properly.
For example: rust-basic | Clear Linux* Project
All resources’ hrefs are hardcoded as https://clearlinux.org/... but no www is being redirected to https://www.clearlinux.org/ while dropping subpath. This makes all js, css, etc resources load https://www.clearlinux.org/ instead and promptly throw.
Should either hardcode with www, make redirect keep subpath, or even better, use relative paths.

As I noted in IRC, but will repeat here for those that didn’t see it there - you shouldn’t see any links like that on our webpage. They are stale cached results in Google from before our move from CMS to static webpages.

so, if you look at Software | Clear Linux* Project

it takes you to


Having said that, there are some missing index pages if you try and tab through all the pages, and the listing is probably outdated compared to what we’re currently shipping. On the ‘to do’ list is rebuilding the bundle pages and keeping them accurate.


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