As part of streamlining our content, we are removing some of the desktop customizations including extensions, themes, and icons currently carried by the distribution as part of our default desktop offering.
The content we intend to remove has been separated into the `desktop-assets-extras’ bundle. It will be as we move to the latest version of GNOME next week that we will deprecate this bundle, effectively removing the bundle content.
Currently `desktop-assets-extras’, while part of the desktop by default, is not enforced for the desktop bundle and can be removed by users if they choose.
These are the customizations that were part of Clear Linux’s default desktop experience. Those who want to keep the previous look and feel are able to do so without losing the Clear Linux latest updates. Note: all these modifications were provided via schema overrides which can be looked at the following GitHub - clearlinux/clr-desktop-defaults at v21 GitHub repository.
After newest version of GNOME using swupd update --version #xxxxxx next week, we will have to sudo swupd bundle-add desktop-assets-extras to go back to the desktop look prior to the GNOME update is this correct?? And is this a onetime event or will we have to do it after each GNOME update in the future??
Actually, currently the content is already isolated in the desktop-assets-extras bundle (and can be removed by removing such bundle).
What will happen once we get GNOME 3.36 out is that the desktop-assets-extras bundle will be deprecated (which means that we would be removing its current content), so you would see themes,icons and extensions no longer being provided by clearlinux (i.e: removed).
The content would no longer be provided by any clear linux bundle, meaning that you would need to download it and configure it yourself. To make this easier I listed all the extensions, themes and icons we were using by default in a previous post.
I find it disappointing that you guys would remove the themes. One of the greatest strengths of this distribution in my opinion was that it actually looked nice by default.
Either way, I tried to reinstall the Materia theme through the software center but it is not showing up in the tweak tool. Is there something else I have to do to enable it?
Are you going to remove the packages that were part of desktop-assets-extras as well? I’ve built my mix against 32990 and it seems they are still there.
"What will happen once we get GNOME 3.36 out is that the desktop-assets-extras
bundle will be deprecated (which means that we would be removing its current content), so you would see themes,icons and extensions no longer
being provided by clearlinux (i.e: removed).
The content would no longer be provided by any clear linux bundle, meaning that you would need to download it and configure it yourself."
Easier said than done for me I am not a Linux programmer, and I don’t want to mess up a very stable Clear Linux installation. I guess I will survive without my desktop Tweaks.
@bz1234 You don’t need to be a programmer to install icons and themes.
Though I must confess did not bother trying to get CL the way it was before 3.36. The configs and infos provided by mesiment are useful but a little too much work just to get things “like before”.
I manually installed Nordic themes and icons (->copy/paste no coding/programming needed, really) and added dash-to-dock via “software”. The configuration can then be done via gnome-tweaks. This process took less than 5 minutes.
How did you add dash to dock via software that’s all I really need to have Favorites bar on desktop at bottom of screen and trash and home icons on desktop to save time only. I use a solid color for desktop background which they retained so I don’t need any themes. What I don’t want to do is use third party fixes that might make Clear Linux unstable it’s the only Linux distro that is as stable as Win 10 and its faster than Win 10. Mesiment is a programmer and his fix requires programming skills they must have deprecated these packages for a reason maybe they slowed the OS down??
you can add it through gnome software.
if you had installed it before just remove and install it again.
I have mine already after an update. you just re install yours.
@bz1234 As rajin24 wrote:
*open the software center → search for dash to dock
*install dash to dock
*open gnome-tweaks (-> appearance) or gnome-extensions and enable dash to dock.
*customize dash to dock to your liking.
Adding icons or themes will not harm your system, this is pretty save and won’t disturb CL. I’d say that adding gnome-extensions (like dash to dock) is more “dangerous” than adding icons.
Adding gtk3-themes is very easy: chose one or more from gnome-look and extract the archive(s) into ~/.local/share/themes, for icons extract the archive(s) into ~/.icons. You just need to enabled them via gnome-tweaks and you’ll get a nice gnome makeup that’ll fit your aesthetics.
The most complicated process will be what themes/icons are the once you’ll want to use, as there are so many good ones out there
I just did a KDE desktop add and was very pleased and surprised to see most of my old desktop folders back on desktop and in fact find KDE to be as good as GNOME and in fact maybe better as a desktop environment. Will test it out for awhile. Was never able to find dash to dock my Tweaks app is almost totaly disabled since 3.36.2 so will give KDE a try. Thanks for the help.