This topic is a discussion about how to improve this forum. We’d like to know: what do you expect to get out of it? How it is organized, how it works, and how we can improve it.
I like finding answers on my own if I can. I hope between a search here and in documentation, I’ll be able to get myself un-stuck or get some technical tips and tricks.
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I found that I’m not able to edit my old post. But it’d be nice if this is allowed because people may need to update the guides/tutorials.
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Good point. Let me check.
@doct0rHu Is it the one you’d like to edit
Bash scripts to automate installation of NVIDIA proprietary driver
Can you please check if it is enabled now?
Nope. There’s no edit button for posts older than a certain age.
Weird. I’ll check again. Sorry about that.
post edit time limit
is the setting in the admin panel, needs to be set to 0.
Yes, it works now. Thanks
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