Fstab not found


I want to mount my HDD autoamically at start. I go to ‘Disk Utility’ and modifi the mount config bug when validate it tell me fstab not found …


I want to mount my HDD autoamically at start. I go to ‘Disk Utility’ and modifi the mount config bug when validate it tell me fstab not found …

You can add the /etc/fstab with the values you need.

Please read:




I do that in the tuto and not works I create with sudoedit /etc/fstab and add line like say and rebbot not works.

I found a simple doing.

in root do : touch /etc/fstab

And then in Disk utility change mount point to add and then reboot and now it start mounting …


If I create the fstab file by myself, means that I am losing or breaking the stateless design for Clear Linux? Am I right? Is it better if the users don’t create them? Could you explain a little about it?

I am planing to migrate the home folder to another partition that I am going to stole from windows partition.

