How to make .deb or .rpm package to install in clear linux? #1462

expandrive is cool app to sync all online drive. (and rclone is no way a proper solution for me for google drive or onedrive or mega sync or anyother drive unless they come with some functional gui solution like expandrive for which i am waiting)

expandrive is availabe in .deb and .rpm

Several threads already answer this question. My preferred method is rpm2cpio myself.

Just modify the filename to the RPM file you have.

For better ux you can just link those answers instead of telling that somebody answered. Its not really helping to people who search 10 threads where everyone saying that this question was already been answered

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But this is a very generic Linux question. Google shall give you better search results.

Can you imagine that someone doesn’t know how to Google this question and when he Google this thread title he sees that he should Google more. So I spent 4 hours today just to find command to install rpm package. Linux community is really annoying with their “answers”.


But in the previous comment I made on Nov. 19, the way to install RPM is already answered.

Sorry I didn’t see the link I thought it was a quote. Also does this rpm2cpio resolve dependencies? In my case I installed rpm via dnf

rpm --nodeps or rpm --nodeps --force

But if you follow that you shouldn’t need RPM.

how could you install it with dnf I want to install megasync and I could not

You may try to compile it.

@doct0rHu How to install megasync in clear linux? · Issue #1304 · clearlinux/distribution · GitHub
failed compiling.

What’s the error from compiling?