Installing PlayOnLinux 4.3.4

Well wasn’t so easy as i expected, but finally made it working (not tried games, but interfaces appearing).

You dont need the python2 as soon as they updated to 4.4 , they supporting 3.*

Installing all the prerequisite

sudo swupd bundle-add cabextract jq wine dev-utils wget devpkg-libpng devpkg-gtk3 devpkg-ncurses sqlite devpkg-openssl tcl-basic devpkg-readline devpkg-bzip2 devpkg-sqlite-autoconf devpkg-libffi devpkg-xz ImageMagick xterm

Installing ICOUtils

cd ~/Downloads
tar xf icoutils-0.32.3.tar.bz2
cd icoutils-0.32.3
make -j4
sudo make install

Installing wxPython and natsort (wxPython installation will take long time ~ 30m for me)

sudo pip3 install --upgrade --pre -f wxPython
sudo pip3 install natsort

Getting latest PlayOnLinux (4.4)

cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cd POL-POM-4
sed -i 's/version1\[0\]\.split(\"\.\")/version1\[0\]\.split\(\"a1\"\)\[0\].split\(\"\.\"\)/' python/lib/

Last line is important , because otherwise it will cause error at version detection during the launch, it looks like i should commit patch to them.
Installing the snapshot version of wxPython is also important because last release not compiling properly.
Please test and let me know that everything working well.