Intel Unison on Clear Linux

Can I make a request of the Clear Linux Team? How about making a version of Intel Unison that would run on Clear Linux? Would be great to have the ability to make calls and send texts from the Clear Linux desktop.


In fact, it could be a great thing. I believe it would be the only Linux OS to have it, as far as I know.


Well, unfortunately itā€™s moot because I tried installing Clear Linux 42910 on my brand new ThinkPad and it failed. The installer hung at ā€œdownloading required packsā€ or downloading something like that. Itā€™s a Gen 13 X1 Carbon so maybe the hardware is too new? Sadly itā€™s back to Windows.

Iā€™ll make a request in GitHub, fwiw. In the meantime, you may want to try out Google Voice.

You know, I also waited a long time on that screen. It depends on the connection. If you let it download, youā€™ll see it will eventually continue.

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How long? I waited 10 or 15 minutes and the progress bar didnā€™t move. I just assumed it was frozen. Previous CL installs didnā€™t do that.

open system monitor and check your network usage during the install to make sure it aint frozen

It took a very long time, but I now have Clear Linux installed on my ThinkPad.


Perfect. Since we went off-topic, please mark this as resolved, and perhaps change the name of the topic. I believe changing the group is not possibleā€¦

Well, ā€˜resolvedā€™ isnā€™t an option for the Feedback/Wishlist, but if you wanted it in a different category, we could do that. What did you want the topic to read?
