I’ve only recently started using Linux, so am not used to the lingo, so please take it easy on me
I currently have Ubuntu installed on a Dell T5810, 128GB of ram, Xeon E5-2699V3 18 Core CPU, Asus XG-G100C 10Gb network card and a Geforce GT710 GPU. I have four Intel SSD’s in raid 0 just for data manipulation, and an SSD connected to what Dell refers to as the optical disk port, but its just a SATA port and Ubuntu works fine.
I have secure boot disabled.
I’ve run the checks from within Ubuntu:
chiamining@chiamining-Precision-Tower-5810:~$ ./clear-linux-check-config.sh host
Checking if host is capable of running Clear Linux* OS
SUCCESS: 64-bit CPU (lm)
SUCCESS: Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (ssse3)
SUCCESS: Streaming SIMD Extensions v4.1 (sse4_1)
SUCCESS: Streaming SIMD Extensions v4.2 (sse4_2)
SUCCESS: Carry-less Multiplication extensions (pclmulqdq)
chiamining@chiamining-Precision-Tower-5810:~$ ./clear-linux-check-config.sh container
Checking if host is capable of running Clear Linux* OS in a container
SUCCESS: 64-bit CPU (lm)
SUCCESS: Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (ssse3)
SUCCESS: Streaming SIMD Extensions v4.1 (sse4_1)
SUCCESS: Streaming SIMD Extensions v4.2 (sse4_2)
SUCCESS: Carry-less Multiplication extensions (pclmulqdq)
SUCCESS: Virtualisation support (vmx)
SUCCESS: Kernel module kvm
SUCCESS: Kernel module kvm_intel
SUCCESS: Nested KVM support
SUCCESS: Unrestricted guest KVM support
SUCCESS: Kernel module vhost
SUCCESS: Kernel module vhost_net
I’ve downloaded the desktop install, checked the SHA512 and it’s correct, burned it to a USB drive using Etcher.
I boot from the USB drive and get to the screen where I have the option to install/boot from the Live CD, verify the ISO or press TAB. I can select options here, which proves the keyboard works. Verify seems to hang with the last line as per the below picture (sorry seem to have cut the side off and the computer is busy so can’t currently take another).
Being a new user I can only embed one picture.
If I select to boot/install then I get the following, but can’t type anything:
If I press TAB and then delete quiet and console=ttyS0, 115200n8 (I read that somewhere) then eventually get the following, and again can’t type anything.
I’d like to try Clear Linux as I’ve heard its quicker than Ubuntu, and hoping it also doesn’t have the issue of entering the password over ten times when I first remote desktop in - that gets really annoying.
Has anybody got any idea’s, or can tell me what other information you need to know please?