Kitty terminal issue with host username syntax error

Tried installing kitty terminal multiple times , Kitty terminal doesn’t show the host or username, Any fix for it? ,


nano ~/.bashrc

Change the PS1 line to :

PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '

Save the file and source it with :

source ~/.bashrc

Run kitty with default config :

kitty -c /dev/null

Still not working, try :

kitty --debug-config
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Adding this line to ~/.bashrc worked. It contained no PS1 Shell variable.
probably because of gnome-terminal ,
Also when running root (sudo) program inside Kitty terminal, It will likely to throw an error, make sure you run this command as a temporary work around for it.

export TERM=xterm

Glad to see that my solution worked for you.

Now we can ask ourselves why this PS1 line is missing in the first place.