ClearLinux on XPS 15 7590 (2019) - Power Management issue

Hi everybody,
thanks for your work on ClearLinux! I have been installing this on my pretty new XPS15 7590 (2019, OLED) and immediately noticed that it is running warm/hot, fans on a lot while completely idle, and pulling between 20-35 Wh when idling even after running powertop --auto-tune and setting xrandr --brightness 0.4.
PowerTOP gives me these stats regarding CPU states:

       Pkg(HW)  |            Core(HW) |            CPU(OS) 0   CPU(OS) 6
                |                     | C0 active   0,9%        3,6%
                |                     | POLL        0,0%    0,0 ms  0,0%    0,0 ms
                |                     | C1          0,1%    0,1 ms  0,3%    0,2 ms
       C2 (pc2)    0,9%    |                     |
       C3 (pc3)    4,0%    | C3 (cc3)    0,3%    | C3          0,0%    0,0 ms  0,0%    0,0 ms
       C6 (pc6)    0,0%    | C6 (cc6)    0,4%    | C6          0,8%    0,7 ms  0,1%    0,3 ms
       C7 (pc7)    0,0%    | C7 (cc7)   74,4%    | C7s         2,4%    4,3 ms  0,3%    0,1 ms
       C8 (pc8)    0,0%    |                     | C8         34,6%    4,6 ms  0,6%    0,1 ms
       C9 (pc9)    0,0%    |                     | C9          0,0%    0,0 ms  0,0%    0,0 ms
       C10 (pc10)  0,0%    |                     |
                |                     | C10        60,6%   24,2 ms 96,5%    1,0 ms
                |                     | C1E         0,9%    0,4 ms  0,1%    0,4 ms

                |            Core(HW) |            CPU(OS) 1   CPU(OS) 7
                |                     | C0 active   0,7%        0,6%
                |                     | POLL        0,0%    0,0 ms  0,0%    0,0 ms
                |                     | C1          0,1%    0,1 ms  0,0%    0,1 ms
                |                     |
                | C3 (cc3)    0,0%    | C3          0,0%    0,0 ms  0,0%    0,0 ms
                | C6 (cc6)    1,1%    | C6          1,1%    0,8 ms  0,2%    0,9 ms
                | C7 (cc7)   94,9%    | C7s         1,5%    2,4 ms  3,4%   10,9 ms
                |                     | C8         25,4%    4,8 ms 30,3%    3,7 ms
                |                     | C9          0,0%    0,0 ms  0,0%    0,0 ms
                |                     |
                |                     | C10        70,0%   18,5 ms 65,5%   37,8 ms
                |                     | C1E         1,4%    0,4 ms  0,1%    0,4 ms

I believe the CPU is not reaching its power saving states. Fequency stats gives me:

            Package |             Core    |            CPU 0       CPU 6
                |                     | Average   4,0 GHz     4,2 GHz
                Idle                | Idle                | Idle
                                                     4,50 GHz            | 4,50 GHz            | 4,50 GHz

                |             Core    |            CPU 1       CPU 7
                |                     | Average   3,8 GHz     4,1 GHz
                | Idle                | Idle
                | 4,50 GHz            | 4,50 GHz

                |             Core    |            CPU 2       CPU 8
                |                     | Average   4,1 GHz     4,1 GHz
                | Idle                | Idle
                | 4,50 GHz            | 4,50 GHz

                |             Core    |            CPU 3       CPU 9
                |                     | Average   3,9 GHz     4,1 GHz
                | Idle                | Idle
                | 4,50 GHz            | 4,50 GHz

                |             Core    |            CPU 4       CPU 10
                |                     | Average   4,3 GHz     4,2 GHz
                | Idle                | Idle
                | 4,50 GHz            | 4,50 GHz

                |             Core    |            CPU 5       CPU 11
                |                     | Average   4,3 GHz     4,3 GHz
                | Idle                | Idle
                | 4,50 GHz            | 4,50 GHz

Anyone knows that might help here?
Thanks for any clue,


Edit: sorry for the formatting, I do not completely get how to copy the console output in here so it stays formatted. Bottom line for me is, all Cores run well over 4GHz when idle, and C10/pc10 is never reached (0%).

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Noting a few things here for others and myself which got power consumption down a bit:

Allow lesser CPU core frequencies:

echo powersave | tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor

Maybe fix suspend:

echo deep|sudo tee /sys/power/mem_sleep
cat /sys/power/mem_sleep

PowerTOP autotune

powertop --auto-tune

/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf :

blacklist nouveau
blacklist rivafb
blacklist nvidiafb
blacklist rivatv
blacklist nv

Setting screen brightness on the OLED variant:

xrandr --output eDP-1 --brightness 0.5

Probably not working/needed:

echo 800000 | tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq

Right now I am at around 10-20W. Frequency scaling works, but pcstates don’t show any movement.

Still to explore: intel-undervolt ( )

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Give this one a try, cut my idle temperatures by quite a bit when the default changed (desktop so no power draw readings).

mkdir -p /etc/kernel/cmdline.d
echo "pcie_aspm.policy=powersupersave" | tee /etc/kernel/cmdline.d/aspm.conf
clr-boot-manager update

Remembering that you can change the kernel boot parameter by holding space during boot and pressing e on the kernel selection screen to remove it if it causes any issues.

Edit: not sure if this one would be covered by powertop --auto-tune already!

Thanks a lot for your input! Have implemented this on two notebooks, and it seems to bring down power consumption even further, have seen idle consumption for as low as 6-9W on this XPS15.

Meanwhile I wonder if the powersave governor gives any improvement, with the long interval measurements of powertop it is kind of difficult to discern.

As always, please check with your hardware manufacturer and make sure the BIOS is updated.