I can't install CL in Virtualbox because sda1 is set for legacy BIOS mode

Though my PC is set UEFI boot, I can’t enable EFI in Virtualbox, as instructed in Clear Linux* OS on VirtualBox, or else I’ll get:

Here is the Warning I get without EFI set:

Link to Clear on Virtualbox installation using Vagrant

These are some settings that work:




After installation then what do I do? How would I install Guest additions?

Well, this would be a Clear Linux server. I don’t use a desktop with Clear.

If you’re looking to run a desktop, then add the desktop. https://clearlinux.org/software/bundle/desktop

You’ll probably want to add yourself as a user or modify the ‘clear’ user to use some password that you desire.

As for the virtualbox guest additions, maybe you can start here: https://linuxhint.com/install-clear-linux-intel-linux-os-on-a-virtual-machine-using-virtualbox/

You’ll probably need to install gcc (compiler), linux headers, and dkms (dynamic kernel module system) on Clear to get the virtualbox guest addtions to compile, but I haven’t tried this with Clear, so feel free to explore on your own from here. There’s usually a shell script that comes as part of the ISO that gets loaded with the virtualbox guest additions which will look for the gcc compiler and dkms. Run that script and work through the errors until you get it working. It would be great if you can share your results once you get it working.

There actually is a ClearLinux bundle app developed for the VirtualBox Guest Additions package as seen at the guide Clear Linux* OS on VirtualBox* — Documentation for Clear Linux* project (01.org)

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