Is there "ed" in one of the bundles?

It may be buried in a bundle, but two letter “ed” does not appear in a search.

You may want to give dev-utils-dev bundle a try.

$ ed
ed: command not found
To install ed use: sudo swupd bundle-add dev-utils-dev

(it’s a large bundle tho)

I’m surprised this isn’t part of the editors bundle. @william.douglas, can we add this editor to the editors bundle so people don’t have to bring in a large bundle for ed?

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I added it to editors.

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Thanks @ahkok!

@reiki33, once the bundle for editors gets updated you’ll have it in that bundle. If you already have the editors bundle installed it will just show up, otherwise just run:

sudo swupd bundle-add editors

Are we there yet?
$ which ed
which: no ed in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/haswell:/usr/bin:/opt/3rd-party/bin:/home/mark/bin:/home/mark/gocode/bin:/home/mark/flutter/bin:/home/mark/bin/VSCode/bin:/usr/share/code/bin)

$ sudo swupd bundle-add editors

Warning: Bundle “editors” is already installed, skipping it…
1 bundle was already installed

swupd bundle-remove editors-dev

Removing bundle: editors-dev

Deleting bundle files…

Total deleted files: 7

Successfully removed 1 bundle

$ sudo swupd bundle-remove editors

Removing bundle: editors

Deleting bundle files…

Total deleted files: 1

Successfully removed 1 bundle

$ sudo swupd bundle-remove editors

Removing bundle: editors

Deleting bundle files…

Total deleted files: 1

Successfully removed 1 bundle

$ sudo swupd bundle-add editors
Loading required manifests…
Downloading packs for:

  • editors

Finishing packs extraction…
Validate downloaded files

No extra files need to be downloaded

Installing files…

Calling post-update helper scripts
Successfully installed 1 bundle
$ sudo which ed
which: no ed in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/haswell:/usr/bin:/opt/3rd-party/bin:/home/mark/bin:/home/mark/gocode/bin:/home/mark/flutter/bin:/home/mark/bin/VSCode/bin:/usr/share/code/bin)

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By the look of it yes it is now, but only if you are fully upto date (maybe the release was only an hour or so ago). Add `ed` to `editors`. (tiny, no other bundle has this that is reason… · clearlinux/clr-bundles@4f64ef0 · GitHub is adding it to the bundle, so you need to be on release 31870 or higher to have it.

sudo swupd check-update to check versions, sudo swupd update to update.

I had no updates, but release was 31830, and then rebooted.

The was to clear swap shown at 244M of 244M. I had exited all of my processes, File explorer, terminal sessions, but once hitting swap (even though it asserts 6 of 16 GB of memory used) it seldom releases. I was surprised at the size of swap compared to RAM, but at the time of install, I had run out of time to reconfigure with a custom install so never fixed it. One would think that 16G would be enough, but two dozen FireFox tabs will often drive it that way - I assume consumption comes from the stupid ads. At the last meetup, before the talks, our speaker indicated there had been some statistics on performance issues with large swap partitions. However, if you run out of memory, I suspect 244MB would be inadequate. It would probably just eat cache, so it still would not hurt for a while. I still suspect it relates to FireFox, lots of tabs, and some time.

But ed appeared with 31870 after the reboot! Thank you.


SWAP is intentionally kept small. And two dozens of webpages won’t cost so much memory. I have more than 200 tabs open and it only cost 13 GB memory.

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