I’ve tried installing 4 times so far and still can’t boot. First time I tried “safe” and the installer froze at the last step. Second it installed successfully but didn’t boot. Third I tried clr-installer from terminal. Fourth time I tried destructive on another drive with a Windows install I no longer use.
Every time it just shows a blank screen or boots to another OS if I have another drive connected. Looking through my EFI partition it shows the following tree but there doesn’t appear to be any entry in my BIOS/UEFI. Any ideas?
Thanks. I still can’t seem to boot. I must be blind because I missed “linux boot manager” in my boot list. However that is what it has been trying to boot all along and still can’t boot. I just get a black screen.
Thanks. I still can’t seem to boot. I must be blind because I missed “linux boot loader” in my boot list. However that is what it has been trying to boot all along and still can’t boot. I just get a black screen.
Can you describe your platform?
Is it using an NVIDIA GPU Card?
I tried following the instructions at Home Clear Linux* Project | Clear Linux* Project and now I get a quick error message something something .5.0.18-767 not found, then I get the same black screen.
here, the boot loader (systemd-boot) is not finding the kernel.
There’s no activity on the system in either scenario and I’ve never had an issue with nouveau with this card. I think both cases the bootloader isn’t being installed correctly as when I connect another drive with an OS installed and select the clear “linux boot manager” entry in UEFI it boots straight to the second drive. I should clarify I do get a small flashing _ on the black screen when the second drive isn’t attached.
Can you run the verification script on your platform from the live desktop session to check the compatibility? In addition, you may add a timeout value by sudo clr-boot-manager set-timeout 10, and try to remove the quiet kernel command line to see any further booting messages?
The verification script shows SUCCESS across the board.
The exact error I get after going through these instructions (otherwise I get nothing) is
Error loading \EFI\org.clearlinux\kernel-org.clearlinux.native.5.0.18-767: Not Found
Failed to execute Clear Linux OS (\EFI\org.clearlinux\kernel-org.clearlinux.native.5.0.18-767): Not Found
I installed Clear Linux to my fourth hard drive. The EFI boot partition was created correctly, but I was not able to boot, because there were still old bootloaders on this hd (grub and windows). I finally was able to remove them (I googled the correct way for my old bootloaders) and now I am able to use my uefi bios boot menu to select the windows boot manager on my first hd or the linux boot manager on my fourth hd like I intended to do.
Decided to try again and tinker around with no success. I then tried to install Solus and had the exact same issue. The common thread seems to be systemd-boot. I’ve used at least half a dozen distros with systemd but they all used grub for the bootloader.
It seems systemd-boot just doesn’t like the UEFI on my old ass P67 board. Will try again once Zen 2 is released.