Sudo su | authentication fails after fresh install

Hello there,

i have freshly installed clear linux on my intel nuc (11th gen) and have the problem that
“sudo su” fails.
I have followed these steps, to install clearlinux →

After successfully installing it, i can login with my password, but neither can i install something with the terminal using “sudo swupd …” nor i can unlock for example the printer-section in the settings with my password. I’m using the same password as for the login. Login works fine though.

What can i do? Looking for help. Maybe i have done something wrong?
I have the following version:

christian@christiansnuc~ $ cat /etc/os-release
NAME=“Clear Linux OS”
PRETTY_NAME=“Clear Linux OS”


Do i need to provide any other information?

Best regards


This is for double check.
Was “sudo” installed?

If not, install bundle including “sudo” as “sysadmin-basic” or “sudo” itself.

@espio999 Thanks for your message!

“sudo” is installed. I checked also other packages like “less” and “htop” from the “sysadmin-basic” package. They are all installed.

The problem is, that authentication fails, so i can not login as superuser / admin / root.

The password which i’m using is of course identical with the password i’m using for login after starting the computer.

I faced also another issue:
When the computer goes to standby and i wake him up and try to login, authentication also fails. So he’s not accepting my password. I have to shut him down manually and restart. After restart, the login works fine though, if i’m going again to standby and waking him up, same issue, login not possible.

Maybe its now a bit “clearer”?

These are my installed bundles (“swupd bundle-list”)

christian@christiansnuc/etc $ swupd bundle-list
Error: Failed to retrieve 34640 MoM manifest
Warning: Could not determine which installed bundles are experimental

Installed bundles:
 - NetworkManager
 - NetworkManager-extras
 - acpica-unix2
 - alsa-utils
 - aspell
 - aspell-de
 - aspell-es
 - aspell-fr
 - baobab
 - binutils
 - bison
 - boot-encrypted
 - bootloader
 - bootloader-extras
 - c-basic
 - cheese
 - curl
 - desktop
 - desktop-apps
 - desktop-assets
 - desktop-autostart
 - desktop-gnomelibs
 - desktop-locales
 - diffutils
 - emacs-x11
 - eog
 - evince
 - evolution
 - file
 - file-roller
 - findutils
 - firefox
 - flatpak
 - flex
 - fonts-basic
 - fuse
 - geary
 - gedit
 - ghostscript
 - gimp
 - git
 - gjs
 - glibc-locale
 - gnome-base-libs
 - gnome-calculator
 - gnome-characters
 - gnome-color-manager
 - gnome-disk-utility
 - gnome-font-viewer
 - gnome-logs
 - gnome-music
 - gnome-photos
 - gnome-screenshot
 - gnome-system-monitor
 - gnome-todo
 - gnome-weather
 - graphviz
 - gstreamer
 - gvim
 - gzip
 - hardware-printing
 - hardware-uefi
 - htop
 - intltool
 - iperf
 - iproute2
 - kbd
 - kernel-install
 - kernel-native
 - less
 - lib-imageformat
 - lib-opengl
 - lib-openssl
 - lib-samba
 - libX11client
 - libglib
 - libstdcpp
 - libva-utils
 - linux-firmware
 - linux-firmware-extras
 - linux-firmware-wifi
 - llvm
 - make
 - man-pages
 - minicom
 - nasm
 - nautilus
 - openldap
 - openssh-client
 - openssh-server
 - openssl
 - os-core
 - os-core-plus
 - os-core-update
 - os-core-webproxy
 - p11-kit
 - parallel
 - patch
 - perl-basic
 - polkit
 - powertop
 - procps-ng
 - pulseaudio
 - pygobject
 - python3-basic
 - qemu-guest-additions
 - seahorse
 - socat
 - strace
 - sudo
 - sysadmin-basic
 - syslinux
 - telemetrics
 - thermal_daemon
 - tmux
 - totem
 - tzdata
 - unzip
 - vim
 - webkitgtk
 - which
 - wpa_supplicant
 - x11-server
 - xz
 - zstd

Total: 125

I can’t even change my password using “passwd”:

christian@christiansnuc/etc $ passwd
Changing password for christian.
Current password: 
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
passwd: password unchanged

Maybe i can fix it somehow using the Clear Linux OS live desktop image.
So booting again from the usb token ( ?

I read the other post to the effect that this issue was solved by booting with live USB.
Though, I wanted to suggest this “sudo passwd root”, because I thought your “root” has no password.

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Copying this answer from an old post and aditing a little bit.

Not really to solve your problem, but to avoid a bigger problem latter. Are you sure you really need root password? If the answer is yes, check your answer. Root access (and user) is disabled in most distros for a really good reason. Are you sure login with your standard user and then require root privilegies with sudo -i does not solve your problem?