AWS Cloudwatch Agent

Anyone managed to get this installed on their AWS Clear Linux servers? I’m needing to monitor memory usage via Cloud Watch.

That requires the Cloudwatch Agent to be installed.

The instructions seem relatively simple - i.e. download their scripts, and run them. You may need to install one of the perl bundles (sudo swupd bundle-add perl-extras?) to get all the support needed, but, it’s likely to work.

Give it a try?


Great. Let me give that a try

Worked like a charm. THANK YOU!. Surprisingly smooth even for a noob like me :slight_smile:

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Awesome! Glad it all worked - and thanks for reporting back.

In case anyone is wanting to do this, here’s the server commands to get going with CloudWatch monitoring on a CL server. For the Amazon side, please refer to the online guides.

ssh clear@yourserver # login as root

# Install extra perl goodies like CA Certs needed or https libs
sudo swupd bundle-add perl-extras
# Install cronie to edit crontab
sudo swupd bundle-add cronie

#Download the sauce and unpack
curl -O
unzip && rm && cd aws-scripts-mon

# add CloudWatch credentials to conf file
echo "AWSAccessKeyId=xxxxxxxxxxxx"               >> awscreds.conf
echo "AWSSecretKey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"    >> awscreds.conf

# Add cronjob to update stats every minute
echo "*/1 * * * * /home/clear/aws-scripts-mon/ --mem-used-incl-cache-buff --mem-util --disk-space-util --disk-path=/ --from-cron" | sudo crontab -


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forgot to add

# start cronie
sudo systemctl enable cronie.service --now

you need that to make chron work if you’ve just installed it.