Clear Linux AWS instance

Hello guys!

First thank you for all the work into this distribution :slight_smile:

I’m having some issues trying to run Clear Linux in a AWS instance after following your guide:

Where is the reference about the AWS_CLI group you are mentioning there?

Has anyone successfully imported a snapshot of clear linux using the docs recently?

Thanks again!

@madnexus - docs need a bit of work.

I suggest that you make an AWS Group, add the AWS pre-defined policy “AmazonEC2FullAccess” to the group. Next, attach the group to the IAM user you create.

Hi @mdpitterle

The user importing the snapshot is already in a group that has AmazonEC2FullAccess and AmazonS3FullAccess but I can’t get pass the following error message:

An error occurred (InvalidParameter) when calling the ImportSnapshot operation: User does not have access to the S3 object.(clear-linux-bucket/clear-33840-aws.img)

I have also attached a bucket policy in S3 giving the user access to the bucket with no luck.

[amazon web services - AWS Import-image User does not have access to the S3 object - Stack Overflow](https://AWS Import-image User does not have access to the S3 object)

Looks like getting Clear LInux on AWS is not as straightforward as it looked!

@madnexus - can you add VMImportExportRoleForAWSConnector policy to the group as well and try again?

Thanks for the help @mdpitterle

I have added it but still getting the same message. Have you imported one of the AWS ready images before?