Clear Linux OS: keyboard mapping

I installed Clear Linux OS, server version.
Every time i boot i have to set ‘loadkeys de’
How can this set permanent?
‘localectl set-keymap de’ did not work
‘localectl list-locales’ did not list any locales

What’s wrong in here?

Best regards

Ok, i’m running it in a VM in proxmox and if i choose ‘console’ i will have the keymap problem.
Connecting via putty the keymapping is correct.
And by the way:
‘Clear Linux* OS on Proxmox* Virtual Environment’ did not work.
OVMF (UEFI) and q35 did not work, no boot process.
I’m configured it with ‘Default (SeaBIOS)’ and ‘Default (i440fx)’ without UEFI.
Best regards.

Create a new systemd service file :

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/set-keymap.service

Add these lines to the file:

Description=Set keymap to de

ExecStart=loadkeys de


enable the service:

sudo systemctl enable set-keymap.service

regenerate the locales :

sudo locale-gen

I assume you read the instructions on how to run Clear in KVM or on Proxmox. There is lots of instructions and commentary on it.

I also assume you run the compat script Intel provides to confirm compatibility at boot.