ClearLinux will not boot (but ran before)

Was runing ClearLinux.
cat /mnt/usr/lib/os-release
NAME=“Clear Linux OS”
PRETTY_NAME=“Clear Linux OS”
PRIVACY_POLICY_URL=“Intel Privacy Notice

I have seen swap use all 244MB (seems like a low default), closed everything, and top asserted maybe a quarter of swap was still in use. Did a restart from Gnome pull-down bar. It came up as far as a cursor arrow in lower right of screen (assume some previous state) and hung. Cold boot repeats the symptom.

A ClearLinux (labelled!) USB will boot into
root@clr-live ~ # cat /usr/lib/os-release
NAME=“Clear Linux OS”
PRETTY_NAME=“Clear Linux OS”
PRIVACY_POLICY_URL=“Intel Privacy Notice

Partly followed instructions on which means I did not install the live distribution, but used it directly. My modification was to use swupd on the /mnt/usr/lib/swupd partition of the problem disk, since swupd repair is not an option with the swupd on the live USB.

It cleaned two files the first time through, seemed happy the second time through, but still hangs in the boot with the cursor positioned in the lower right quadrant of the screen.
Did I miss something?
The steps I followed, are thus:

root@clr-live /home/clrlinux # lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL,PARTLABEL,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT
loop0 squashfs loop /run/media/clrlinux/disk
sda iso9660 CLR_ISO disk
├─sda1 iso9660 CLR_ISO part
└─sda2 vfat “CLEAR_EFI” part
nvme0n1 disk
├─nvme0n1p1 vfat boot EFI part
├─nvme0n1p2 swap swap linux-swap part
└─nvme0n1p3 ext4 root / part
nvme1n1 disk
├─nvme1n1p1 btrfs part
├─nvme1n1p2 swap part
└─nvme1n1p3 btrfs disk2 part
root@clr-live /home/clrlinux # mount /dev/nvme0n1p3 /mnt
root@clr-live /home/clrlinux # ls /mnt
autofs boot etc lib lost+found mnt root sbin sys usr
bin dev home lib64 media proc run srv tmp var

root@clr-live /home/clrlinux # cat /mnt/usr/lib/os-release
NAME=“Clear Linux OS”
PRETTY_NAME=“Clear Linux OS”
PRIVACY_POLICY_URL=“Intel Privacy Notice

oot@clr-live /home/clrlinux # ls /mnt/usr/share/clear/bundles
acpica-unix2 gnome-music openvswitch
alsa-utils gnome-photos os-core
aspell gnome-screenshot os-core-plus
aspell-de gnome-system-monitor os-core-update
aspell-es gnome-todo os-core-webproxy
aspell-fr gnome-weather p11-kit
avahi-daemon go-basic package-utils
baobab gparted parallel
binutils gramps parted
bison graphviz patch
bootloader gstreamer perl-basic
c-basic gvim pmdk
cheese gzip polkit
clr-network-troubleshooter hardware-printing postgresql
cpio hardware-uefi powertop
curl htop procps-ng
desktop intltool pulseaudio
desktop-apps iperf pygobject
desktop-assets iproute2 python3-basic
desktop-autostart iptables python3-basic-static
desktop-gnomelibs kbd python3-tcl
desktop-locales kernel-install qemu-guest-additions
diffutils kernel-native qt-basic
dnf less qt-core
dosfstools libglib rsync
dpdk lib-imageformat samba
emacs-x11 lib-opengl seahorse
eog lib-openssl smartmontools
ethtool libreoffice storage-utils
evince lib-samba strace
evolution libstdcpp sudo
file libva-utils sysadmin-basic
file-roller libX11client syslinux
findutils linux-firmware sysprof
firefox linux-firmware-extras sysstat
flatpak linux-firmware-wifi tcl-basic
flex llvm telemetrics
fonts-basic make thermal_daemon
fuse man-pages tmux
geary meld totem
gedit minicom tzdata
ghostscript mpg123 unzip
gimp nasm vim
git nautilus webkitgtk
gjs net-tools wget
glibc-locale network-basic which
gnome-base-libs NetworkManager wireshark
gnome-calculator NetworkManager-extras wpa_supplicant
gnome-characters nfs-utils x11-server
gnome-color-manager openldap xfsprogs
gnome-disk-utility openssh-client xz
gnome-font-viewer openssh-server znc
gnome-logs openssl zstd

root@clr-live /home/clrlinux # /mnt/usr/bin/swupd repair --picky --path=/mnt
Diagnosing version 31800
Downloading missing manifests…

Checking for corrupt files

Validate downloaded files

Starting download of remaining update content. This may take a while…

Adding any missing files

Repairing corrupt files
→ Hash mismatch for file: /mnt/proc → fixed
→ Hash mismatch for file: /mnt/sys → fixed

Removing extraneous files

Removing extra files under /mnt/usr
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/truetype/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/terminus/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/roboto/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/noto/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/noto-emoji/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/noto-cjk/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/cantarell/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/encodings/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/TTF/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/OTF/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/lib64/ → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/lib64/ → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/lib64/ → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/lib64/haswell/ → deleted
Inspected 379165 files
2 files did not match
2 of 2 files were repaired
0 of 2 files were not repaired
22 files found which should be deleted
22 of 22 files were deleted
0 of 22 files were not deleted

Calling post-update helper scripts

Repair successful

root@clr-live /home/clrlinux # /mnt/usr/bin/swupd repair --picky --path=/mnt
Diagnosing version 31800
Downloading missing manifests…

Checking for corrupt files

Adding any missing files

Repairing corrupt files

Removing extraneous files

Removing extra files under /mnt/usr
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/truetype/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/terminus/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/roboto/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/noto/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/noto-emoji/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/noto-cjk/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/cantarell/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/encodings/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/TTF/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/OTF/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/X11/.uuid → deleted
→ Extra file: /mnt/usr/share/fonts/.uuid → deleted
Inspected 379161 files
18 files found which should be deleted
18 of 18 files were deleted
0 of 18 files were not deleted

Calling post-update helper scripts

Repair successful

root@clr-live /home/clrlinux # swupd repair --picky --path=/mnt
oot@clr-live /home/clrlinux # swupd repair --picky --path=/mnt
Error: unrecognized subcommand `repair’

swupd [OPTION…]

Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
-v, --version Output version information and exit

autoupdate Enable/disable automatic system updates
bundle-add Install a new bundle
bundle-remove Uninstall a bundle
bundle-list List installed bundles
hashdump Dump the HMAC hash of a file
update Update to latest OS version
verify Verify content for OS version
check-update Check if a new OS version is available
search Search Clear Linux for a binary or library
info Show the version and the update URLs
clean Clean cached files
mirror Configure mirror url for swupd content

To view subcommand options, run `swupd SUBCOMMAND --help’

Mark A. Baldridge

This workaround has me running again: All Wayland sessions broken in v31800 · Issue #1543 · clearlinux/distribution · GitHub. Thank you!

I assume that when the noted fix appears, I could (should) remove the gdm directory with its only entry custom.conf?


Ditto. I ran into the same problem…wish I would have came here earlier before I wiped my install. Oh well! Thanks for pointing this out.