''Installation failed see /root/clr-installer.log''

Tried to perform a destructive installation of clear linux from a USB flash drive on my Lenovo P53, the installation failed, the installation log states

2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] Log Level set to LogLevelDebug (4)
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [INF] clr-installer-gui: 2.7.3, built on 2022-03-03_23:52:18_UTC
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] Loading config file: /var/lib/clr-installer/clr-installer.yaml
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [INF] Querying Clear Linux version
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [WRN] PrivateIP: Could not determine network location: lookup clr.telemetry.intel.com on dial udp connect: network is unreachable
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] localectl list-keymaps --no-pager
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] timedatectl list-timezones
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] locale -a
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'agr_PE.UTF-8'
2022/10/26 17:21:03 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'ayc_PE.UTF-8'

If anyone here knows how to fix this, please let me know

i had issue like this with xps, i downloaded latest iso from here: