Internet Browser Network Issue

Yesterday I installed Clear Linux and since then I have a lot of problems with connecting to the internet from web browsers.
Be it Chrome, Brave or Firefox, they all take a long time to open any page but, nevertheless, Spotify and other programs that use the internet, work correctly.
I would appreciate any help, thanks.
EDIT: It is really strange because some URL (like DuckDuckGo, ClearLinux or ProtonMail) work well but not same for Youtube, Google or other webs.

Just of curiosity how do you get chrome and brave.

Well there can be many causes for slow connection. I’d try changing to a different DNS first. Like

Didn’t firefox switch to DoH recently?

It should have, in US.

I updated to 32640 and all Chromium based browsers decided to throw fits. Firefox works fine, but the rest gave me errors left and right. Internet connectivity on them is shot currently.

What is your network environment?