My Computer has just received a system update Im using the KDE session and now I have lost apps
and even the ability to just click documents and them to open in the default application.
kinda made the OS unusable, Please advise how I can get KDE to see the Apps on my computer
see attached screen grab
It’s possible that due to system updates, previously these where pulled in as a dependency but now they are no longer. I would suggest using gnome-software and finding the applications, and reinstalling them (if they are no longer installed).
Alternatively, you can use swupd from the command line.
To see what happened, use sudo journalctl -u swupd-update to view the past few logs from the updater.
Thanks Anselmolsm
confirming “cp /usr/share/xdg/ ~/.config/menus/”
fixed the issue
The was missing from the .comfig/menus folder
Menus has now returned and I can open jpgs and documents from the desktop Sent with Shift
Hi there. Just a quick heads up, the fix will be available in the next days, restoring the default behavior (i.e. no need of ~/.config/menus/