[Problem] Latest Build 40470 Has Issues X-Win Application Crashing

I have been having issues with gnome-session for many builds, gnome-session would not work on my system until the recent build 40470. See the link below:

The good news is gnome-session now runs.
The issue now is emacs is broken, for that matter so is vim, they won’t run. The application
vncserver is gone.

What is going to replace vncserver or when will vncserver be put back in to the normal
x-window applications. I can’t use the latest build.

Statistic reporting as updates where being performed:
Statistics for going from version 40030 to version 40470:

changed bundles   : 686
new bundles       : 6
deleted bundles   : 0

changed files     : 314763
new files         : 112085
deleted files     : 78812

40470 (including 40480) are failing. There are many mutter-x11-frames segfault errors in dmesg. I reverted back to 40450. Sometime after 40050, eglinfo began segfaulting running the NVIDIA 525/535 driver.


LLVM OpenMP libraries are missing since 39970. One can no longer use clang/clang++ to build OpenMP applications (-fopenmp option).

For a long time now, the desktop experience is choppy running background jobs. The solution is to enable sched_autogroup. Other Linux distributions have this enabled by default and unsure why Clear Linux does not.

Unfortunately 40450 failed for me. I found that vncserver was missing, altogether. Is the plan to remove this application, if so what replaces vncserver?

I have been reading about the transition to Waland and it does not look good. A whole lot of x-window applications have been left broken in it’s wake. See this link titled: “Think twice before abandoning Xorg. Wayland breaks everything!”. The title says it all.
Think twice about Wayland. It breaks everything! (github.com)
There have been comments in this Forum about the Wayland started by @marioroy

What do users have to do now to escape Wayland? Go back to back building our on Linux’s like Slackware, or go to The FreeBSD Project, and build back X-windows from
that base?

So, for me I haven’t really experienced any negative wayland issues. I’m able to choose to start xorg or wayland with xwayland extensions on both gnome and kde desktops via an easy startup script. For xorg I just use .xinitrc with startx and for wayland I use a custom startup script that evokes wayland after I run “dbus-run-session – startplasma-wayland”

Granted xwayland apps are not perfect. Some windows glitches and and resume from sleep etc. But nothing prevents me from starting xorg via another tty screen.

I do prefer to start CL into tty1 ( systemctl set-default multi-user.target ) bypassing any desktop env login screen. And I do prefer to install CL 1st in minimal state and build up from there.


I have been trying what appear to be replacement approach of using vncserver on a “headlesss” server gnome-remote-desktop.service seems to be a replacement, but for me has not worked as of build:
swupd info
Distribution: Clear Linux OS
Installed version: 40580

I have tried using:
dbus-run-session grdctl vnc set-password “${VNC_PASSWD::8}”
dbus-daemon[27799]: [session uid=0 pid=27799] Activating service name=‘org.freedesktop.secrets’ requested by ‘:1.0’ (uid=0 pid=27800 comm=“grdctl vnc set-password Dork_004”)
dbus-daemon[27799]: [session uid=0 pid=27799] Successfully activated service ‘org.freedesktop.secrets’
dbus-daemon[27799]: [session uid=0 pid=27799] Activating service name=‘org.gnome.keyring.SystemPrompter’ requested by ‘:1.1’ (uid=0 pid=27806 comm=“/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --foreground”)

(gcr-prompter:27813): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:02:52.037: cannot open display:
dbus-daemon[27799]: [session uid=0 pid=27799] Activated service ‘org.gnome.keyring.SystemPrompter’ failed: Process org.gnome.keyring.SystemPrompter exited with status 1
** Message: 17:02:52.039: couldn’t initialize prompt: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process org.gnome.keyring.SystemPrompter exited with status 1
Object does not exist at path ?/org/freedesktop/secrets/collection/login?

To no avail.

I have also tried ways to invoke gnome-session such that it’s session could be connected via a remote session. Learned the invocation from the following post:
Help get a headless wayland display? (fedoraforum.org)

dbus-run-session grdctl vnc set-password “${VNC_PASSWD::8}”
dbus-daemon[27799]: [session uid=0 pid=27799] Activating service name=‘org.freedesktop.secrets’ requested by ‘:1.0’ (uid=0 pid=27800 comm=“grdctl vnc set-password Dork_004”)
dbus-daemon[27799]: [session uid=0 pid=27799] Successfully activated service ‘org.freedesktop.secrets’
dbus-daemon[27799]: [session uid=0 pid=27799] Activating service name=‘org.gnome.keyring.SystemPrompter’ requested by ‘:1.1’ (uid=0 pid=27806 comm=“/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --foreground”)

(gcr-prompter:27813): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:02:52.037: cannot open display:
dbus-daemon[27799]: [session uid=0 pid=27799] Activated service ‘org.gnome.keyring.SystemPrompter’ failed: Process org.gnome.keyring.SystemPrompter exited with status 1
** Message: 17:02:52.039: couldn’t initialize prompt: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process org.gnome.keyring.SystemPrompter exited with status 1
Object does not exist at path ?/org/freedesktop/secrets/collection/login?
root@clr-linux-srv~ # gnome-shell --wayland --headless --virtual-monitor 1200x800
libmutter-Message: 17:10:54.893: Running GNOME Shell (using mutter 45.2) as a Wayland display server

(gnome-shell:27829): libmutter-WARNING **: 17:10:54.919: Failed to make thread ‘KMS thread’ realtime scheduled: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Name “org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1” does not exist
VMware: No 3D enabled (0, Success).
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Remote gui access to “headleass” appears to be “A dream I had”.