Unable to install ClearLinux desktop on Hyper-V


I am trying to install latest desktop image on Hyper-V VM and I am getting failed to find installation media error.


Appreciate any inputs to get over this problem.

Also, I currently have debian (9.x) running as VM on without any issues.


As an alternative, there is a VHDX with Clear Linux OS preinstalled on the downloads page: Downloads | Clear Linux* Project

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Hello there, follow the steps at this link https://clearlinux.org/documentation/clear-linux/get-started/virtual-machine-install/hyper-v

Ii´m able to create the Virtual Machine but when i start the VM i´m stuck at this login screen:

What user or password i supposed to use?

Thanks in advance.


You must set a root like your user and set a custom password, but you only get a “Linux console” at this way you may need to install a graphic user interface or Linux desktop to try the whole experience.

By the way i used this file to create the VM clear-29440-hyperv.vhdx.gz

In clearlinux, the root password is not set by default. However, if you login on the console with root, it will allow you to set a root password immediately, thus securing the system.

The graphical installer has methods to make normal and sudo users, avoiding this need. For VM images however, this is the used method.

Hi, Thanks. My CPU (Xeon - E5 - 2670 C0) doesn’t support VT-d hence did not pick the pre-installed vhdx.


Hi, Nevertheless, tried it, the VM launched, expanded the hard disk size and installing the DARS-MKL stack… so it works.
