Update glances to latest version

The version being packaged currently is 3.1.0, but 3.1.3 has been available since October, 2019. I believe the reason you’re picking up an older version is that the github project for glances is not making “releases” of bugfix releases, but are instead just tagging them. Can you pick up https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/archive/v3.1.3.tar.gz for the source?

Hi, thanks for the notice.

Our monitoring was picking up 3.1.3, but I am noticing that a unit test is failing, which prevented us from updating it. I will take a look into that test failure.

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The failing test issue was addressed shortly after the 3.1.3 release with Correct unitest · nicolargo/glances@abf64ff · GitHub, so I am applying this patch and updating the package. It should be available within a couple days.

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Just wondering if a test is failing again. I see is out for a while now, but it’s not showing up in Clear Linux.