Clear Linux on 32bit efi with 64bit processor

I have found that it is possible to boot to the desktop on Clear Linux with a machine with a 32bit efi and 64bit processor (Dell Venue 8 Pro 5830).

I have a Debian 12 install and use the GRUB menu from there to manually boot the live USB. I am using an older 33110 build of Clear Linux, though I have confirmed it is possible to reach the desktop on the newest builds (in 40390 Firefox would not draw its UI without disabling hardware acceleration, so I resorted to a past build for now).

I manually boot the USB with the following:

set root=(hd0)

linux /EFI/org.clearlinux/kernel-org.clearlinux.native.5.6.13-952

initrd /EFI/BOOT/initrd.gz


I follow installation for a GRUB dualboot as per

I do not think I can chainload the bootloaderx64.efi. I receive an /EndEntire error when doing so.

Is there a way to replicate the process of booting the live USB with the installed system?

I do not see an initrd image after installation, so I am not sure if that is the result the device’s unique storage. The only files I see in the org.clearlinux/ directory are the kernel, the bootloader and loader efis, and freestanding-00-intel-ucode.cpio and freestanding-i915-firmware.cpio.xz. Is this to be expected?

The blog for the Dell Venue 8 Pro, under the “Quirks” section, suggests that the requirements for booting might not get installed and I have observed that personally. Is there a way to ensure that Clear Linux succeeds?

Was their a CPU still compatible with Clear and ran a 16bit EFI at the same time? Surprised!

I don’t know about a 16bit EFI, but there were a few attempts in the past to have Clear Linux work on these devices, such as this Asus T100CHI.

Sorry, I meant 32bit EFI