Kodi on stand alone mode

Hi guys, i have a intel nuc and i would like to run kodi on stand alone mode, that is possible? And how i can do it? On ubuntu was easy, was just enable auto login and choose kodi on the gdm and next boot start straight away kodi…
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

You can install kodi using flatpak Flathub—An app store and build service for Linux,
you can automate this using systemd user units.

Hi miguel, olha eu ainda nao instalei tenho andado ocupado com uma maquina a instalar arch. Eu instalar o kodi tive a ver e percebi que usam snap ou flats lol podes so me enviar alguma documentação ou tutorial de como meter no login e entrar automaticamente sff?

If I’m parsing this correctly - no we don’t have documentation for this.

Because kodi is currently only available as a flatpak, it comes with the files that it comes with since you’re not getting it from clearlinux. As such it lacks fullscreen/desktop integration entirely, and the missing service files and desktop units to make this possible are missing.

This page has some good hints as you would go about doing this:


Note, because kodi is a flatpak, you’d have to substitute /usr/bin/kodi with something like /usr/bin/flatpak run tv.kodi.Kodi in the scripts referenced.

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