clear-42160-vmware.vmdk.xz will not boot with a working display/terminal in VMware 16, however there is a working console with clear-41990-vmware.vmd.
The basic steps I are
1.) Download the Index of /releases//clear--vmware.vmdk.xz
2.) Extract the file with 7zip, copy the file over to my VMware virtual machine directory.
3.) Set up a new Linux Host and reference the drive.
4.) Modify VMware .vmx file by adding the line firmware = “efi”.
5.) Power On the Virtual Machine.
The virtual machine console screen is black, no way to interact with the console.
However Clear Linux build: 41990 works. I can interact with console, a root account can be
created, etc.
The only way to interact with a Clear Linux VMware virtual Machine is to use ssh. Since the bare vmware disk releases (.vmdk files) must be set up with a root account first, so ssh can
be allowed, the vmware .vmdk cannot be accessed at boot time.