Tried out Clear Linux - Loved the speed and use - Just overwhelmed installing my favorite apps

I was really impressed by the installation and speed of bootup.
When I started trying to install Google Chrome and Stremio it got pretty messy though. I wanted to install Conky as well. I liked it in MX Linux. Installing Candy Icons would be nice too. I’m just confused about which flders the shell is looking at and how to get Admin access to copy to folders in the File Explorer.

I hadn’t been on Linux since I bought the SuSE 9.0 box set of CD’s from BestBuy back in my mid 1990’s college days. The sheer volume of Distro’s I went through the past month and a half trying to get to know the environments has been pretty daunting. I find it funny though, these distros are every bit as polished as Microsofts Windows versions have been. Except these aren’t hiding calls home all of the time lol.
I keep going back to Zorin OS Free, but the DE in Clear Linux was so much faster and cleaner.
Am I missing something about installing from deb files? I started trying Flatpacks a bit but it seemed a lot more complicated? I’m not afraid of the Bash, but I guess the commands are different removing apt-get. Is there a simpler tried and true pattern I can follow to handle tweaking the DE and program installs better?
Thanks for your time.


swupd is our bundle installation tool. There is no apt-get or rpm. You cannot install deb files either (not in a non-hacky way, anyway).

Try using gnome-software for a bit. It should be able to show you everything you can install, including flatpak software.

Thanks, yeah I played around with it for hours last night.
Gnome is missing a lot of parts in the interface on CL.
Trying to get them installed without a deb file or the connecting web url library manager in the OS seems useless?
I’m trying to get my Chrome plugin to work at least to install tar files, but it isn’t working?
So, more or less, unless I am compiling the software myself I’m SOL with the OS for a desktop I can utilize from what I can tell?


sudo swupd bundle-add dev-utils
sudo swupd update

swupd [OPTION…]

Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
-v, --version Output version information and exit

info Show the version and the update URLs
autoupdate Enable/disable automatic system updates
check-update Check if a new OS version is available
update Update to latest OS version
bundle-add Install a new bundle
bundle-remove Uninstall a bundle
bundle-list List installed bundles
bundle-info Display information about a bundle
search Searches for the best bundle to install a binary or library (depends on os-core-search bundle)
search-file Command to search files in Clear Linux bundles
diagnose Verify content for OS version
repair Repair local issues relative to server manifest (will not modify ignored files)
os-install Install Clear Linux OS to a blank partition or directory
mirror Configure mirror url for swupd content
clean Clean cached files
hashdump Dump the HMAC hash of a file
verify NOTE: this command has been superseded, please use “swupd diagnose” instead

To view subcommand options, run swupd SUBCOMMAND --help'Preformatted text`

I was looking at an interesting email client at It lists a bunch of Linux distros that work with the app. But if sudo snap install doesn’t work, then there is no way to get this application to run, right? Nothing wrong with Geary or Thunderbird, but part of the fun of using this distro is experimenting.

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Which parts are you missing?

I seem to be missing Appearance?